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Summit Walkers

Due to the safety consideration NO child may be checked out during Protected Time from 2:15 – 2:45.  If students need to change transportation other than the transportation they regularly ride they must have written permission from their parent.  Administrator’s signature is required for ALL bus transportation changes.  This note must have a daytime phone number listed and be brought the to main office during homeroom. 

  • Many children are walked to Summit Parkway in the afternoon
  • These children will be escorted to Summit Parkway by an Assistant Principal or another staff member. 
  • Students may be picked up once he or she has exited through the back gate of North Springs

These students remain in their classrooms and are called to report to the auditorium at 2:40.  Roll is taken before the children are escorted out.

For the safety of the children, if it is lightning and thundering, students who are Summit Walkers will need to be picked up by a parent or guardian in the car rider line.  Please have a plan in place for who will be responsible for pick up.

Please note that non-NSE students under the age of 18 are NOT permitted on campus at dismissal.